TěloCIRK: using elements of circus pedagogy in physical education

The methodical handbook was written by Adam Jarchovský and Katka Klusáková, circus teachers at the contemporary circus training and creative center CIRQUEON. The book illustrated by Dorothea Hofmeisterová aims to inspire and motivate PE teachers to include the art of circus in their PE lessons. The practical handbook is an output of the eponymous pilot project, which focused on the inclusion of circus activities in PE lessons at four schools in Prague.

The pilot project’s aim in 2020 – 2022 was to introduce the principles of circus pedagogy to PE teachers, so they could embrace them and incorporate them into the lessons at schools in cooperation with circus teachers. The project was based on CIRQUEON’s experience with the Ministry of Education’s certified courses in circus pedagogy in combination with experience with the TěloCIRK project – alternative PE lessons that have taken place in CIRQUEON since 2017.

The book also features QR codes that link to illustrative videos of the system of skill levels for teaching the circus disciplines. The handbook can be downloaded free of charge (in Czech) thanks to the support of the EU OPVVV program and the project Circus Pedagogy for PE teachers and elementary and high schools (TěloCIRK).

Source: cirqueon.cz

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