Archa Theatre in Prague is preparing to hand the venue over to the new team

The Archa Theatre, as the audiences know it for nearly thirty years, is set to undergo a transformation starting in 2024. The new team is going to occupy the building on Na Poříčí street. Based on the proposal of the current director Ondřej Hrab, the board of directors approached the co-founder and director of another theatre venue (Jatka78) Štěpán Kubišta. He submitted the concept with the working title of G.O.A.T., which aims to approach young audiences. The board has already encouraged Kubišta to develop the grant application for 2024 – 2027. If the grant is successful, the process of rebranding will start next year.

The present concept of the Archa Theatre lasts until December 2023. The program will culminate with The Cornerstones of the Future season, dedicated to local and international artists, who make up the essential profile of Archa’s programming. It has become the synonym for progressive trends in contemporary performing arts. The new project with the working title of G.O.A.T.S aims to fill the space that has been neglected in what theatres can offer nowadays: to create cultural content that would draw the attention of young audiences between 15 and 25 years of age and make them participate in the process of production.

As of 2024, Ondřej Hrab and his colleague Jana Svobodová will be engaged in the Archa Institute to deal with projects that bring together education and production of documentary theatre in the Czech Republic and beyond. Štěpán Kubišta is positive about the possibility that some projects could continue. He says: “It would not be reasonable to stop something that works.”


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