RING X10 – a new festival of independent culture in Prague

Theatre X10 in cooperation with the Municipal Library in Prague has prepared the first edition of the RING X10 festival for the last week in August, including the open-air programme on the Mariánské Square in Prague.

The goal of the festival is to connect cultural institutions in the city center and offer independent culture and discovery of new cultural venues, including the Mariánské Square, the important marketplace that works as a counterweight to the Old Town Square. The word “ring” in the title of the festival is used to evoke the sound of the Old Czech word “rynek” and refer to the word “ring”, i.e. fight, as well as community, communality, togetherness. Last but not least, the ring rings, resonates and is audible.

The important venue for the festival is an open space of Mariánské Square. The square surrounded by important cultural institutions (the building of the Central Municipal Library in Prague with the exhibition venue of the Prague City Gallery, Clam-Gallas Palace, National Library) and the building of the Prague City Hall. The square that could finally take a deep breath after a long time when it was a parking place and now searches for ways to develop its community potential. RING X10 wants to explore the possibilities of space and its limits. Apart from the square, the programme will also take place in the Municipal Library, X10 Theatre, and Scout Institute.

The visitors can look forward to theatre and other independent artistic activities. Apart from the X10 Theatre, they will have a chance to see A Studio Rubín, theatre company Ufftenživot, and JEDL. Music production of the festival stands out as well: the performers will be Dorota Barová Trio, Barbora Mochowa, Beata Hlavenková and Kapela snů, and many others. The programme will also include stage readings, film screenings, discussions, and community activities.



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